in ,

11 Best cat memes

Red Dot

11. Business cat: Catch that red dot is a famous cat meme. The cat is a business cat. Cat’s feel different with the red dot. They likes to chase these red dot made by the laser.

Chemistry cat
Chemistry cat

10.Chemistry Cat: This joke is about a scientist cat who says s/he known no jokes about sodium by replying Na :v

Kitler Cat
Kitler Cat

9. Kitler Cat is Hitler’s cat. He wants to know whether he can have Poland!

Communist Cat
Communist Cat

8.Communist Cat: In 2007 Russian communist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin first got the cat meme treatment in 2007. This is the Lenin cat

Ceiling cat
Ceiling cat

7.Ceiling Cat: This is the masturbate cat. It got huge popularity within few weeks.

Long cat
Long cat

6.Long Cat: Longcat is known for its body length. “Longcat is LOOOOOOONG,

Anxiety cat
Anxiety cat

5.Anxiety Cat: This cat is anxious about almost everything.

Serious cat
Serious cat

4.Serious cat:  This cat is serious always. No matter what is the situation. He is damn serious always.


3.OMG Cat: OMG cat is how OMG cat expressed her feelings when she came to know that she is listed in top meme cat.

Breading cat
Breading cat

2.Breading cat: Breading cat has bread over her face

Grumpy cat
Grumpy cat

1:Grumpy cat: One of the most popular cat meme ever. Grumpy cat is always grumpy , he is not sad rather mad at everybody.

Written by afsar

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Indeed Kitler . Indeed